1·Discrepancies might cause delay of shipment or refusal of payment .
2·Official rules and procedures that seem unnecessary and cause delay.
3·Wrong or incomplete email address will cause delay or difficulty on this confirmation process.
4·I do not like this kind of multI - modal combine transportation as I am afraid It may cause delay of the shipment.
5·And, different sources of information flow processes improper, often cause delay, information and inefficient convey the wrong.
6·This limitation can cause delay in appropriate remedial measures to be taken, leading to further deterioration of GIS insulation or a total breakdown.
7·Situations like the one just described allow us to feel we have more time without being the cause of the delay.
8·We trust you will see to it that the order is shipped within the stipulated time, as any delay would cause us no little financial loss.
9·In many part of India, great faith is placed in traditional treatments but the delay cause by trying this first and not going straight to hospital, can often be fatal.
10·The resulting context switches can cause a significant delay relative to the few instructions protected by the lock.